Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 19th

The girls and I have been reading our library books on dinosaurs. Georgia asked me to make a test for her on the Struthiomimus (pictured above). She was telling me about one of the dinosaurs she read about on her own and I asked her if it was in the Jurassic era. She corrects me and tells me the order that the eras were in. I don't know how she remembers it, but I checked and she was correct.

Olivia and I played some alphabet go fish and memory games. She practiced writing. She also played a game on where she had to type letters and short words that were falling down the screen before they reached the bottom. She did really well. Four years old and she knows where most of the letters on a keyboard are!

Georgia and I reviewed the parts of speech that she knew and we worked on adverbs.

We worked on adding money on paper, practicing adding with the decimal. At lunch I made her a bill for her food and she had to add up the total. We used the girls' play money for paying and receiving change. Georgia worked out how much change she would be getting back. Olivia played too, but I added her bill for her. Olivia likes to get change back, and if she doesn't she feels cheated!

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