Friday, March 28, 2008

Digging for Fossils Activity

While reading some library books on dinosaurs, Georgia found some activities she wanted to try.

Today she did the activity from the book Stegosaurus by Daniel Cohen.

From the book.....

Hands On: Digging for Fossils

Paleontologists dig for dinosaur bones in rocks and dirt. Digging the bones out of rock or dirt without breaking them is difficult. You can see how difficult it is by doing this activity.

What you need
A sheet of newspaper
A large chocolate chip cookie
Small, soft paintbrush

What You Do
1. Set the cookie on a sheet of newspaper. (we just put it on a plate)
2. Use the toothpicks to dig the chocolate chips out of the cookie. The chocolate chips are like bones. The cookie is like a rock.

3. Hold a chocolate chip with the tweezers over the newspaper. Brush the cookie crumbs off with the paintbrush.

4. Try not to break or damage the chips.

Voila! She didn't dig all the chips out, but she had fun, and a yummy snack when she was done.

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