Thursday, March 27, 2008

Livy's Nature Class

Livy had her Nature Center class today. The topic was Maple Syrup. The kids first learned what a maple leaf looked like and tried to identify one when mixed with other leaves. They each got a tree cookie to look at and looked at the parts of the tree trunk. They found the bark, the sapwood, and talked about how important sap is for a tree.

In the picture above, the kids acted as trees with their feet planted on the ground. Then they needed to pick up water and suns from the floor without moving their feet. They discussed what a tree needs to grow.

The kids talked about evaporation. Mandy, the naturalist that teaches Livy's class, demonstrated the effects of evaporation by showing the kids one measured cup of water. She then put the water in an electric kettle while they did other activities. She pointed out the steam coming from the kettle. When we got back to the kettle...the water was gone!

Mandy talked about how to collect maple syrup. She demonstrated how big a tree had to be before you can put a spigot in it to collect sap. She talked about the tools in sap collecting, and the contents of sap. The kids also got to sample some maple syrup.

Next, the kids made some hand tracings on paper to represent a tree. They made a bucket and spigot from aluminum foil and glued it on the tree.

Here's Olivia's picture.

Before the class ended, Mandy read them a story about a family that collects sap for maple syrup.

Olivia had a great time!

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