Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday, 3/20/07

Today, Georgia worked on division in her math workbook. We discussed the Vernal Equinox and the symbols of Spring. She made an acrostic poem about Spring, and learned some Spring words in Spanish. She also put a list of Spring words in alphabetical order.

Georgia also took a Spanish test on numbers and colors, a North American test on Canada and Mexico, and an adjectives test.

She had her gymnastics class tonight and had fun with that. She was excited because they were doing handstands....something she loves practicing.

Olivia worked on PBSkids.org with making words, letter sounds, pronunciation, patterns, and measurement estimation. She worked on her number cups, this time they went up to ten. She used M&Ms for counting.

Livy participated in the Spring discussion. Livy and I also looked at pictures of each season and talked about the differences of each. She did a worksheet with different patterned eggs. She needed to follow the directions and color the eggs of a certain design a particular color. Afterwards, she counted how many eggs there were of each design and wrote the down the number on the line indicated. She wrote her numbers really good for being the first time.

Livy also worked on an alphabet puzzle. We talked about what words start with each letter and we made the sound that the letter makes.

In the evening we all read a book about bones and touched the bones that were being highlighted on each page.

You may have noticed that there have not been any pictures in the recent postings. This is because we have switched cameras and I am still becoming familiar with the new camera. I will update the postings that are without pictures and add them. When I do, the title of the updated post will have an asterisk (*) at the end of it so that you know pictures have been added to the post.

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