Friday, February 16, 2007

Feb 16

Today we watched the rest of the documentary Australia the Beautiful. This episode was on the mountains and rainforest. Georgia also watched a show on the Animal Planet about the now extinct Tasmanian tiger. We also watched a little bit of Anderson Cooper on CNN. He was in the Amazon rainforest in South America and was showing different types of animals that are losing their homes and are endangered.

We gathered our school books and started arranging them on the bookshelves. Of course, while doing this the girls saw books they hadn't seen in a while and sat on the floor reading them while I organized the shelves. Olivia was into the Human Body , and Georgia was reading North American Birds and other animal books. While moving the books, our Mr. Bones took a spill and we had to put him back together. Mr. Bones is the name the girls gave to our little model skeleton.

We had a family movie night and watched Barnyard. It was cute and we had fun.

Tonight Georgia is reading Ramona the Pest.

I looked on Netflix and found a Moby Dick movie. I also found one titled The True Story of Moby Dick, or something similar. It is about the stories that Moby Dick may have been drawn from. Georgia and I read a bit about the authors of the books she reads. We found it fascinating to learn that Herman Melville himself joined a whaling ship when he was eighteen. He also had a crazy captain, possibly similar to Captain Ahab, and Mr. Melville jumped ship at one of the stops. It was a remote island and he was captured by cannibals. What an experience! I put those two movies on our queue and we will receive them when the others are returned. I also added The Swiss Family Robinson to the queue.

For her final project on Australia, Georgia said she wants to make another poster. So we will be brainstorming ideas for that. Also, tomorrow it is supposed to be warmer....high of 27! We may go outside to play for a bit. We'll have fresh's just entering Indiana now.

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