Thursday, July 9, 2009

In the Backyard

The girls have been caring for the tomatoes...

and snacking on ones that are ready.

They've been having fun with water guns, cooling each other down or shooting at targets they drew with chalk.

They played soccer with some neighborhood kids, baseball, lacrosse, and tossed a boomerang.
They've watched the daring jumping spider they caught a couple weeks ago make a nest. And we saw lots of little spider babies emerge. They caught another of the same spider type of spider and put the two together to see what would happen. They second spider made a nest on the opposite side of the jar...which makes it tricky to open and feed. The two grown spiders have pretty much left each other alone except for a few sparring matches we witnessed when we put some food in for them.

You can see the nest on the left. The adult spider will hide in there occasionally. You can also see the little spider babies...the little black dots. The second adult spider is under the lid. It has been very fascinating.

Another creature they caught is the black field cricket. We are thinking he may be too big for our spider friends to eat.

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