Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tracks & Traces: Olivia's Nature Class

Olivia's class this month was about finding signs of animals. They began by making playdough impressions from animal track casts. They read a story and completed an activity about the animal signs in the story. They used their magnifying glasses to examine various objects from animals, including a nest, hive, feather, fur, and antlers.

Next, the kids went on a hike in search of signs of animals. In the picture below the kids are looking at a hollow log which could be an animal's home. They also saw tracks, feathers, scratches on trees, holes in trees, and some scat! They rolled over some logs to find millipedes and centipedes, too.

Back in the classroom, the kids used animal track stamps to see the differences in tracks, and to create a beautiful picture!

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