Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Owls of Ohio

Olivia's January nature class was about owls of Ohio. The kids listened to a slideshow presentation about owls and their adaptations. They also got to see, or hear, the difference between the owls feathers in flight compared to those of a wild turkey. The owls wings flapped silently, whereas the turkey's were noisy. They also listened to some owl calls on cd.

The kids played a game where they had to collect mice in a field in the dark! They started in a hula hoop on the floor, and when the lights were turned out they ran to the other end of the room and collected as many laminated pictures of mice as they could. Sounds quite dangerous! But there was enough light coming in from the doors that there weren't any collisions this time! When the lights were switched back on, the kids ran back to their starting positions.

Olivia got to dissect an owl pellet like Georgia did in her owl class last year. She found two small rodent skeletons in there. She matched up the bones to a sheet of paper, figuring out what each bone was.

Georgia's January nature class was canceled due to weather.

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