Thursday, September 11, 2008

This Week....

Here are some of the things the girls did this week...

The girls both worked on making pipe cleaner animals. They each have a kit that they received from Grampa T. Olivia has a forest animals kit, and Georgia has a Noah's Ark kit.

Here are the first two that Olivia made: a rabbit and a fawn.

Georgia checked out the new world history book we ordered.

And both girls read more of the library books we have.

Olivia did some painting...

...and colored pages from her Africa book.

She's also been doing copy work. She takes books or magazines and will copy words into notebooks. It's great practice for writing!

Georgia crocheted some more.

More coloring for Olivia....this time in her dinosaur book.

Coloring is great for working her hand muscles to help with writing and other fine motor skills.

1 comment:

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

very clever pipe cleaner animals

lots of lovely library books

how clever knowing how to crochet

what a big colouring book
