Thursday, February 28, 2008

Static Electricity

Tonight we had fun with static electricity. We were folding laundry and heard the "snaps" of static electricity from a blanket. So we went into a darkened room and started rubbing and pulling the blanket some more. We saw lots of sparks, it was fun! We briefly talked about electrons, electric charge, conductors, insulators, and adhesion. The girls also had fun rubbing the blanket on their heads and watching their hair stand up!

We then watched a video on about static electricity. We learned that the blanket was taking the electrons from their hair, making their hair positive, which then is attracted to the negative charge of the blanket.

The girls thought it was pretty neat that lightning is static electricity as well.

We also found some neat activities to try. One we want to try out tomorrow involves a plastic comb, string, and a cheerio!

Today, Georgia worked on the language portion of the test. Tomorrow she completes the two math sections.

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